It’s been awhile since I blogged. So, here’s my story.

You never quite plan for the tragedies that happen in your life OR that God had you on a road YOU didn’t want to walk on but found out that it was the blessing, or a door He kept closed was for your sake, for your good.

My walk has been a hard one, and many times I thought

“Why me God?”

“Didn’t I do it all right to get something good?”

It wasn’t about doing everything right to get something good out of it, or just having this perfect life. It’s about the journey that brings us closer to Jesus, clinging to hope, and holding on tight. Never letting go of that hope. And even when we do, Jesus is there to pick us back up and carry our pain and release us from the chains that bind us and separate us from Jesus’ love.

I soon realized that the bad turned to good. The darkness, turned to light. Jesus brought me out of the darkness I was trapped in for so many years. The weight that laid on my shoulders wasn’t mine to carry and so I gave it to Jesus to carry, and I picked up my baggage and Jesus said to me “You don’t have to, don’t worry I got this Jenny! Follow me, and you will be safe and even the road gets tough I will walk all the way with you.”


It took surrender to leave behind my past. It took so much courage to forgive those family members who hurt me the most, and also forgive myself. To know that it wasn’t my fault. To know the meaning of that. How do you heal? How long will it take?

It’s in the moments of complete and utter surrender of our hurt, painful memories that are creating hardness in our hearts, unable to love or trust anyone anymore; keeping us from Jesus’ love.

I lost my biological mother at a young age, and ran from a biological father who was abusive. It takes all the courage inside to decide to leave and walk on a road God has you to walk with Jesus. After all the tragedy of abuse as a child and an adult I realized my purpose in this life.

To love and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It’s all our purpose. If we listen closely God will give us direction in this life. Don’t rush through the moments in life we live but live in those moments. Be present!

God blessed me with adoptive parents and two wonderful siblings. Out of sadness and fear I was showed love. I knew true love through the love of my new family and then God answered another prayer after two years of waiting and Jack came along and we fell in love. It wasn’t a typical love. Jesus was a big part of our story. He brought us together and from there the story of us with Jesus by our side was shinning like a bright light.

Soon after Jack and I started dating we picked up the very little we had, went to Wal-mart and bought a family sized tent for $180 and camping gear. And our journey began! Now were living out in the woods! God is giving us amazing strength to get through everything that comes our way, and show everyone through the rough times, God is ALWAYS present and our actions as believers in Jesus Christ will inspire hearts.

Recently my mom’s son passed away. I never got a chance to meet him, but I imagine how amazing he is. After seeing my mom’s amazing walk with Jesus, to not give up, but give in to Jesus, each and everyday makes me feel like life is too precious to worry about the small things, and never let tragedy take hold of the joy Jesus has for me everyday.

All my life I never felt more loved than I do now. It’s been a year and my new family has captured my heart and changed the way I look at the world. Jesus had first did that in Summer of 2015 but God’s love and grace grew my heart and prepared me for a family I never knew was being made just so I could know God’s amazing love through the love of my adoptive parents and siblings. Everyday I seen how they live, forgiving in every mistake, short comings, and fall downs. Loving me in the moments unexpected, teaching me the love of Christ through their actions. I realized it’s not that I deserved love or a family but it’s BECAUSE I AM LOVED SO, SO, SO, SOOOO MUCH BY GOD AND THOSE AROUND ME LIKE MY FAMILY, AND FUTURE HUSBAND JACK. I realized that, that was my rescue and my shelter. I grew up and learned how to be brave and live a life not of fear but, of love. Driven by love, not fear.

I have the most amazing mom who teaches me about life, love, friendship, and all the amazing mom stuff. I feel blessed everyday that God chose her to be my mom. Her actions of love, forgiveness, and understanding encourages me, even when she doesn’t realize it. My entire family inspires me! My little sister Zoe teaches me about sisterhood, and the love of Jesus. My little brother Xander teaches me about love, patience, and how to live in each moment, smiling, giggling, and even when things go awry we always have eachother with Jesus along side us. My dad Jeff who taught me to be a woman of honor, my words be solid, be kind, be loving, be forgiving, and no matter what stop to help anyone in need.

The one man in my life who shows me the love of Jesus Christ is Jack my future husband. I met him on Christmas 2017. Our story is amazing and he was and still there for me even when I was suffering with PTSD from abuse. He gave me courage, love, forgiveness, understanding, and shelter. When I first met Jack, I knew he was the one. I seen the love of Jesus living in him. I see Jesus living in him. I wept in the corner of the room with tears of joy because my heart was so touched seeing him, spring into action without anyone asking him for help when there was an emergency situation. He didn’t ask for anything in return. He just wanted to help from his heart and give love to someone else through his actions. I learned everyday how to be a better follower of Christ. To be a better woman, and continue to love others with the eyes of Jesus and NOT the eyes of the world.

“A man who loves Jesus along side a woman, is a man deserving of your heart and blessed is he who has Christ living in him.”


June 11th, 2017, I was baptized at His Place church in Mt. Vernon with my family and friends, and my future husband Jack. My public proclamation of my love for Jesus and to follow Him because he lives in me. I had given my life to Jesus as a child. I recommited my life to Christ in summer of 2015. Thinking back, time went by fast, but slow. I tried to live in each moment and not rush through it. I’ve stumbled a lot but, Jesus got me through it.

Winter is coming! Is fall season already here!

We need your help! Working together with us to create a tiny home for Jack and myself where after we are able to get married we will start a family. First we need you! Our goal is to inspire our community and hopefully the world to build more homes like ours that will be 100% self sustainable tiny house on wheels! Be apart of journey and walk with us! We would love to share, create, and inspire together!

How can I help though?

Good question!

See our story on our gofundme page link below!



I’m sorry I’ve been so absent. A lot of things in my heart needed settling. I never expected that the journey God has set me on was going to be a rough one. I know now it was and still is apart of growing up and learning. I realized that God gave not just me but, ALL of us purpose in this life. That purpose from the beginning has been to love one another. It’s hard these days isn’t it? In the midst of chaos we sometimes fall down and wonder what will happen and all the swirling questions in your head that make you feel this uncertainty. The truth is that God has your back! He isn’t going to let you go, and YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

It takes that one small step forward to build trust. God knows this. He knows how we struggle. He also knows our needs. He hears our prayers. Thank God, for Jesus or I’d be lost and feeling alone. Life was hard beginning from my first day I took my first breath on earth but, you know what I’ve learned? “Nothing is impossible because you have Jesus!”

I’ve struggled back onto that hamster wheel where I let the devil convince of the lies he knew would make me fall and crumble. I tried so hard to be perfect and thought if I failed in any way God would no longer want me. That wasn’t true. God knows my heart. I just was suffering from a heart under pressure and fear. I knew God loved me. He still loves me. I’m eternally saved and will be with Jesus in Heaven.

I felt so played by my own thoughts and those of the devil.

God was about to show me something I had thought I’d lost because I felt unworthy. I was sitting in my room filling out applications on-line. I prayed for a miracle. I prayed that whatever job God wanted for me, I would take it and follow His will. I gave my heart and faith into God’s hands and waited. Not long after I got a missed call and called back and the voice on the other end reassured me everything just might be okay. I scheduled my interview and waited…

I couldn’t sleep the whole day and night before the interview. By 9:00 am I was exhausted in awaiting to leave. I had feelings of anxiousness and excitement all at once. So, I set my alarm for 11:00 am. The alarm didn’t go off but God did. I was sort of dreaming but, not really because it was like someone pulled my blankets off of me as I was sliding off the bed, then I hit the ceiling, and slid over close to the door and see the door was open.

Was God talking to me?

I believe God was talking to me. Strangely I was not afraid but just shook up, and I felt this numbing, kind of heavy grab on my side as I was waking up. (I’m laughing as I’m writing this because I’m imagining God’s hands holding me up and telling me to get out that door because HE had a very important appointment for me to go to and I WAS GOING TO GO!) I was surely up and ready to hurry out the door. I put my best on and didn’t overdo it. Of course for some odd reason my good shoes were missing so, I wore my good sneaks, and headed out the door. I managed by God’s grace to get out of the house, onto the freeway, and make it 10 minutes early. (maybe a little more lol) I waited a little bit for the manager to greet me in the front of the store.

You might laugh hearing this but, when Stacy the manager said., “Hi!” to me, I was taking the cough drop out of my mouth and in my purse. I tried wiping my hands but something strange happened, Stacy kept eye contact with a genuine smile and shook my hand anyways. I told her I was sorry and she didn’t mind she said. For me when someone cares more about the important things and not the small things that won’t hurt them, impress my heart. I knew everything was going to be okay from that moment on. Her heart was gentle and something about her I knew was special.

We talked quite a bit and laughed a lot. She was compassionate, understanding, and kind. She also happened to be who God chose for me to work with. You see I’ve learned that God’s plans are much better than mine. If I depend on Him completely then I will never lose. How he put together this puzzle I couldn’t see until I was given all the pieces. See? God didn’t give up on me. He still loves me and I’m still wanted. God wanted to show me He wasn’t about to leave me, and He knew how much I felt like I had failed Him because I couldn’t get the project I thought He had me on. God has His reasons and I’m thankful He showed me His love. I can hear Him laughing right now, because I’m laughing. A good and happy laugh. As if to say “See, Jenny? I’ve always loved you, and the day you accepted my son Jesus as your Lord and Savior into your heart, then that’s the day you became a member of my family. Family is forever, and you are so loved my precious child, so stop believing the lies of the devil and come to me, God. I love you Jenny.”

I always feel like God is writing me letters through His love. I’m a visual person so, God always has His actions to tell me the next step. I never know what will happen next in life but as I always say to others:

“God is the driver and I’m like Miss Daisy in the back seat trying to tell God to go one way and that way is better but, God sometimes has to stop and have a talk with me, and when I allow myself to hear God’s heart, then God begins to drive again, and I should just listen to God and let Him drive because honestly, I have no idea where I’m going but, God does.”

So…you’re wondering how the interview went?


I am overjoyed and told everyone I could. Stacy gave me a wink, and nod that I was for sure in and she would call me Friday. We exchanged some cool similarities and at the end she showed me something cool and I knew for sure I was about to learn many things that God had in store and my journey to knowing God’s character was just beginning.

“Our journey with God may not be something we ever expected but, if you can see His love in it, then you’ll see God’s character, His heart, and that’s worth living for the journey until you come home to be with Him So, don’t give up but keep living brightly with Jesus by your side too.”

Even though I'm walking through The valley of the shadow I will hold tight to the hand of Him Whose love will comfort me And when all hope is gone And I've been wounded in the battle He is all the strength that I will Ever need And He will carry me .:

God’s character is in His actions. We simply have to see His love in His actions.
No matter what mistakes we make we are loved.
No matter the mistakes we make we are wanted.
No matter the mistakes we make we are forgiven.
Jesus Christ rescued me, and saved me from death, and now I’m living, truly living!
What is your story, or your testimony of how God showed His love to you?


Blue Skies Await Me

I’m starting over new & I previously posted what’s going on. That way this blog update won’t be so lengthy. 😀 How was everyone’s Christmas & New Years? Did you do anything fun? I was sick in the hospital, and then my grandmother. It was the flu & this year was pretty bad. I haven’t had the flu in many years & when it hit, it hit hard. I’m finally getting back on track and can focus on my bible studies and post on my blog here. I thought it was cool that I would still keep instagram and share my bible journaling and my weekly/daily stuff. I was trying to take photos of my journal but the days are so dark anymore outside that no good sunlight comes out to snap a good photo. I like natural light because it looks well, natural and clean. That’s my theme; Clean.

I’m reading 9 fruits of the spirit. Very good studying to be done from those small books. I’ll share that with you as well.

Remember that project I was telling you about? Next week I will be able to share something. It’s just the holidays were so busy and with so many of us sick in our family, I wasn’t able to post on my blog. I figured no one was reading my twitter so, I had to share what was going on here.

I’m just feeling relieved to be away from social media that stressed me out. I’m free from it all. You feel different. Like life is real and you have the opportunity to truly live it.

See you all soon!

DIY Christmas Decorations Under $5

I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! It has been awhile hasn’t it? Let’s see, well I’ve been busy with my family decorating the house and my own room. This year I was quite broke & I cruised Pinterest for some goodies such as; diy Christmas decorations. I found some really easy and fun ones to share. This year I needed all my ornaments to be special and 100% handmade from the heart.

It’s really fun and brings the family together when you’re making Christmas ornaments together and don’t have to spend a ton of money.

What you’ll need

Note: You can either purchase these things at the store nearby or get them online in the links below (where I purchased mine for a crazy low price.) If you have some of these at home or can borrow them from a friend/family that’s awesome too!

DIY Nativity Set


So, I made this really special video juuuuust for you guys! I was super excited when my father gave me my first mirrorless SLR camera from Olympus! It’s an epl7 pen series. It takes amazing photos and video. I honestly never thought I’d find a camera that captured my life in the way I seen it through my eyes. It is a true blessing from God that I was able to find this camera and receive it. God is good, everyday! Also thanks to my father who graciously let me choose this birthday gift in November. Thanks Dad!

Here is the fun cinematic video I made with my Olympus epl7 pen series camera. I will do a review on it soon. I didn’t edit out too much because all the good stuff is usually the stuff where we made some ooopps and on-no’s!


DIY Cut Out Christmas Ornament Decorations


DIY Christmas Ornament Tree Cut Out

Remember: Handmade doesn’t mean perfect. Handmade means it’s from the heart and nothing in the world could compare to it’s loving hands and heart that created it just for you and your loved ones. So, have fun and I am wishing you the Merriest Christmas and lots of blessings from God.

If you want more Christmas idea’s then please follow me on my Pinterest

Everything was purchased at the dollar store.


How God Wipes the Slate Clean? — The Light Breaks Through


Human forgiveness is like an Etch-a-Sketch, but God’s forgiveness is different. He doesn’t keep a record.

via How God Wipes the Slate Clean? — The Light Breaks Through

Wonderful post!
Please follow his blog please.

I always get so inspired from what he writes. I’m going through my youth/family training/schooling and his blog really helps me get inspired and study the word of God in the bible. -Jenny

Will You Grow With Me? + New Banner

God is on the move and I’m really excited because I’m moving quicker than I thought in my faith, my growth with Jesus, and finding my place in the world and with Jesus. It’s wonderful too because tonight was amazing! I met so many of the young children who I would watch over. To me it’s like this:

As I look around and walk clothed in white linen, and in purity, I walk beside Jesus as He teaches the children through me. How precious is that? I’ve always had the need and desire to lead and to be needed. This kind of purpose is what has spoken to me about. I was on a bit of a bumpy road and He finally got me on the right track. That’s the best part. When we are the sheep of Jesus, and as the others may be content, and we are in such desperate need, Jesus lovingly searches us out. So, that we may be brought back to Him.

“We may find ourselves lost but, Jesus knows how desperate we are for Him, and Jesus seeks us out in order to bring us back home to Him.”

(Yes I know I look different without makeup and posing for an angle but, judge not thee for we are all wonderful and beautifully made by God.) I get that a lot and I don’t wear a lot of makeup because I want to be an example of beauty without makeup. I do enjoy wearing makeup but not all the time. My skin just doesn’t allow it. Maybe it’s a way of God purifying me, in order to keep me humble and loving myself as He loves me so very much.)


I met Shar for the first time and we had such an amazing night at youth group talking about everything and I kind of told her my life story. She is such a humble woman and also Pastor Bruce’s wife. Pretty cool right? I was invited for tomorrow night for some more stuff. I’m in the learning phase as I become a youth minister (leader.) I was introduced as the newest youth leader. I was so nervous, and unsure of what to do. I felt like a little baby sheep, as Jesus finally sat me down to listen to what Shar had to say about the sermon.

After a few minutes I was content and I felt nourished in the word of God and resting in my confidence with Jesus. I was feeling so unworthy because I had been so down lately and doing nothing. Many answers were answered that night and on my birthday. What a gift huh? I will talk more about that later on. I also have so much in store with MY OWN photos to share; instead of just posting randomly. I promise to back up what I say with bible scripture so, you know the truth in my testimony. I’m still a student of Jesus Christ and I always will be a student of Jesus but, surely I am a new born learning to walk for the first time. As I grow up, Jesus will continue to work in me so that all may see His great works. His love, grace, forgiveness, and healing. 


The blog finally has the right layout, and it will now have more constructed blog posts. Such as:

  1. Clean & detailed banners that relate to the topic
  2. Added scripture as reference to the testimony I share
  3. Working links on the side bar
  4. Email address to stay contact me personally
  5. The location/map of the Church I am doing my internship at and will be working
  6. Text fixed in previous posts
  7. More organized blog posts
  8. Weekly updated events and schedules
  9. Christian/Faith based DIY’s for the holidays / Printable & Easy To Use
  11. Consistent blog posts
  12. Ways to get involved in volunteer projects and documentaries I work with

I have some amazing stuff in store and many changes will come along. So follow me on twitter, pinterest, and weheartit. WeHeartIt is honestly to get inspiration. My Pinterest is to help you find interesting, and helpful things, and give you more inspiration. Twitter is to stay updated when I don’t post an update blog. It’s like keeping up with the tidbits. It’s also located on the left side bar so no worries if you don’t follow me.

Just as a side note: I am very cautious about who I follow on public sites because I am setting an example for others with Jesus inside my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul. I like to keep my mind set on Jesus and those who also follow Him. Such as Russell Wilson, Creflo Dollar, Joseph Prince, and the list goes on. Some I follow just for helpful things or people I actually have met. I don’t give out my facebook. That is usually reserved for family and church members I see all the time.

So, will you grow with me? Continuing this journey with Christ?

I really wish those who read my blog, would comment because I don’t bite. I am open to others hearts and thoughts. Or just say Hi 🙂

So, what do you think? What do you think my blog is missing or you would like to see added? (Christian Community)

Make Peace


I look into my enemies eyes, and my anger rises like a blazing fire and suddenly a ringing that sounds like the trumpet of Heaven God say’s, “I will still rise, you know it. Let my son fight your battles, for you are safe with Him (Jesus) by your side. You are my child! All of you are! So please stop this hate in your heart or it will destroy you! Please! I love you & I can’t see you suffer!” And like a sea of emotions I realized how wrong my feelings in anger and resentment were. I Was reminded of forgiveness, and understanding.

My heart dropped and I literally broke down as my hands trembled, while tears of sadness and guilt overwhelmed me. I realized that the thoughts of hatred for my enemies were not even my enemies at all. I was called by God himself to share the good news of Jesus with the world, and give the same compassion, understanding, love, and forgiveness Jesus gives us all! We are fighting against the flesh and the temptations of evil, and not the person.

I remember the weekend of my pre-birthday weekend last week me and my grandma had this intense fight one night, and I realized the hate that came out of our mouths was so horrible, and it caused me to go into this state of fear and wanting to hide in shame. I woke up asking for forgiveness and a heartfelt apology to my grandmother. I touched her hair, and brushed my hands against with such comfort.

We are letting the devil try to drag us into darkness and fear, and shame so we go further and further from God.

There is forgiveness for all by Jesus. But after the win of Trump, many were starting to riot and the fear, sadness, and anger began. God has always said “Fear Not, For I Am With You.”

Isaiah 41:10  So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

If you watch media on t.v., they are writing a story to paint lies, and skew the truth for their own greed and those that influence them who surround them. So, we believe into their damaging lies, and twisted thoughts to get us to conform into hatred, fear, and doubt.This isn’t a time to have divisions. It is a time to gather as a nation and have peace reign. God has a plan. I remember a girl telling me “Oh, I was just warning you about the end times because this guy said it will all end so, you must let go of this life here on earth.”

You know, we can’t sit around and do nothing. The bible states we don’t know the day or the hour of Jesus’ return. We should all be meditating and praying for strength, compassion, understanding, courage, love, peace, and to wear the full armor of God.

When I watch the news I see people fighting, saying nasty things, that are full of hatred, resentment, and darkness. Is that who we really are? I know that isn’t who we are. We are so much more courageous and beautiful. Full of love, forgiveness, and hope! Nothing is impossible because God is with us and for us.

If we just be the example Jesus Christ, we can show the love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, faith, and peace, then the world can see it too. We can change the world if we just share the love of Jesus that lives inside us.

It’s time to break down the walls that divides us and begin to heal together not just as a nation, but a world as one.

Think how our children, and children’s, children will suffer for our hatred and division. If we don’t come together and love one another, drop our swords (hatred/tongues of bad words) then our children, our families, and we ourselves will suffer immensely.

Then What Do We Do?

We cannot pressure others to come to Jesus. They must willingly come to Jesus and we should be setting the example of Jesus’s teachings so, they see how loving, and forgiving Jesus is, and what He has to offer.

hem of his garment:

We must be the example of Jesus that lives inside all of us, and us in Jesus; who are His believers to inspire this nation; that is full of people that are suffering greatly in many ways. I can see it all around me, and want to make change. Change can only happen if we are willing to make an effort.

Be Anxious For Nothing; 15 Scriptures To Soothe An Anxious Heart.

Pray for Trump. Pray for Pence. Pray for those around you for you know not the future or their hearts until you humble your heart, and have understanding, compassion, and love, and forgiveness for the one you see the ones who stand before you. For we are ALL God’s children. We all face some kind of pain and struggle.

I wanted to mention that the person who earlier who scared me. I heard a ringing in my ears. (Usually when God is warning me, or trying to tell me something.) When I was about to post something on Facebook about my anger and hatred for this man. I want Jesus to mold me into who I will become, who is like Him. So, right there and then I was being told to “STOP!” That man needs your understanding, and compassion. Do not fear for I am God and no one shall harm you! Ye of such little faith, trust in me, and you will be protected.

Numbers 19:8 – 9 Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them.”


Have faith, keep praying for answers, and have love for one another.



“Finding Purpose”

You know when you start something you don’t know where your exactly headed but, you have an idea. I had a clear mind about where I was going and what I was going to do. Then suddenly you realize you were on the wrong path but, it’s an opportunity for God to really show me where I belong and not just what everyone else wants for me. People are always pushing at me because they love me but, what I want for myself is different.

Why? Because God’s plans are greater than mine and I’m just trying to figure out where He wants me.

I remember going into the healing ministry in Tacoma, “Flames-Of-Fire” in Tacoma and not knowing where I belong yet. Funny one of the women said “Well it’s not like God was telling you to become a pastor…”

“How does she know?” I thought.

(Don’t let anyone tell you who you are. Be in constant prayer with God, and He will answer. Sometimes when we make a call to Heaven we feel like no one is picking up the call and receiving the message. God is listening, and you must listen back.)

God sets everyone on their path and listening to what God is trying to show us is important. Whether it be His voice literally speaking to us through the Holy Spirit or a sign of which is purely God showing you what to do next. God spoke to me after weeks of asking “what is my purpose God?” He surely answered after weeks of deep prayer. What verse of the bible did He speak? I remember being so surprised and God knows I need persistence so, the Holy Spirit persisted to tell me that I should read “I Timothy:4 Verses 11-16

So, it wasn’t me thinking I should work at Boeing. It wasn’t some small time job. It literally translated to me now that I in my heart believe to be to be a youth minister. So many people said I should be one. I had no idea how many people I had impacted and simple listening and God’s word changed their hearts. I’m very passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. I know so much already, and with all my experience, patience, compassion, understanding, and approaching it with purity, I feel this is my calling. I’ve never been as good at anything as I have been with helping people. Just not that but making a huge difference in their lives. I know in my heart that I am only the messenger, and God is the one who gets the glory. To me that is amazing and I love giving God the credit. He brought us all together somehow, and gave us purpose. God knew what my purpose was and He knew where I belonged and could prosper spiritually not just financially. The money is great to live, but I usually am not the kind of girl to care for such things but, it helps me continue my journey and give back.

I can’t go to the same school, and things with getting government help won’t be the same but, I am praying that I get the money to attend a Christian Ministry college. A place where I can get govt. funds to pay all of my school so I am not in debt. I’m still dealing with health issues and I’ll discuss that later on because it’s an important issue I know can really help others and I’ll keep you updated on that as soon as possible.

Becoming A Youth Minister & To All

I just feel in my heart this is meant to be. To see lives changed touches my heart so deeply and keeps me on the road with Jesus. I felt like the strayed sheep, out of the 99 sheep that Jesus came searching for and you know what? He found me! You know how blessed and precious that makes me feel? I am so overwhelmed but such love! I cry even thinking about it now. Jesus calls us all and never gives up on us. Imagine you’re so far away into darkness and you’re crying out to God, and one day you hear his voice as soft as a whisper telling you what your purpose in life is.

Everything just came together. It took a year but, it all made sense in the end to a new beginning. I never know what is going to happen from day to day. I pray, I read Christian related topics to help feed my spiritual needs, and I’m trying more and more to read bible scripture. I’m doing little by little. Even if we get off track, God sails us in the right direction. Everyday is an opportunity for God to bring us closer to Him.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. (References for Proverbs 19:21)

 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. (1 Corinthians 3:8)

Update 10/27/2016

I am sorry I didn’t post when I was suppose to. I’m going through some things that I am working on. I will actually use what I’m going through for the next blog post. In turn I am hoping it helps others in their struggles. I’m getting back on track with my vitamins and supplements so that I get better. Slowly I am getting better. 

When I started this blog community I was very happy. It requires a simple dedication but, since I am learning, I can only write what I know from experience and then read bible scripture as reference. Then I can post something of use for my readers/viewers. I don’t need to or even want to write “empty content.” That wouldn’t be fair to you or the work God has asked me to do.


I will be changing the layout/theme. I just don’t like the width of the blog posts. It’s too narrow and not long enough. It feels squeezed to me.

I hope you’re all doing well and I am always praying for you.

Sincerely, Jenny

p.s. I will post up a nice picture banner of me that my best friend will be taking of me. It should be up soon. My dad bought me an amazing camera that I will share about later on and I’m super excited to share some photos using that camera.


Don’t let your illness define you! You are already healed by Jesus

Ever since I found out through reading books, experimenting, and a million doctors tests later, finally I found the answer to this illness that took me by surprise.

I have auto immune deficiency.

What does that mean?

It means a lot of things. Doctors still don’t have an answer.

Jesus does.

I see this as a lesson from God.

What was I to learn?

Why was I not getting well?

I never start out my sentence when speaking to others like “I think…”

It’s not about what I think.

It’s about what God has to say, and what was I to be learning.

My pastor said once to me.

“Don’t worry over this, let God lead you, and just let it be.”

The women I am close to at the healing ministry who are my friends said once to me:

“Don’t let this illness define you, you stay in prayer and have faith, and you are well!”

I didn’t know what that meant until I went to a Christian event in Tacoma called Hope253.

I had $26 to my name and I was alone. None of my friends showed up but it wasn’t about them. I had wanted to be there to support others and learn more as a fellow believer in Jesus Christ.

So, I got up and gave these two people who were an elderly couple my seat so they could sit together. I never like to be praised but rather give thanks to Jesus for teaching me the love and warmth I can give to others.

I sat right in front and I just felt like walking around until the concert began.

I stumbled upon a unique table that had a lot of cool t-shirts

My eyes wildly gazing at a shirt this girl pointed at.


In royal glowing waves of purple, shinning over the blackness of the background it stood upon. My gaze fixed on such beauty. The words “At The Cross…You Called It Finished”

With the $25 dollars I had with only $1 dollar left I purchased it.

I was so thirsty and said all I had was a dollar and so, the girls that were selling the t shirts gave me water. I was overwhelmed by their kindness but I could only manage to muster up only smile and say a kind thank you and then leave.

After it was all over, the concert ended, and I lingered among the sea of people. A woman brought me to be prayed for. As their attention wandered as they prayed for me, I realized that I was already healed. Everything I needed Jesus has provided for me. I needed to lean more on Jesus more opening up my faith more in his finished work at the cross so, I receive His healing upon me.

What do I mean by “Jesus has provided it all for me?”

“I realized Jesus dying on the cross was my redemption.” I no longer had to be sick, or let it stake it’s claim on me, chaos had no hold on me, because I was safe amongst all the chaos in this earthly life, and all fear, all pain, slowly just faded into the distance. Time seemed to fall slowly in my mind and become more clear. Memories never before felt so real as they do when I experience Jesus’ love.

“If I don’t claim that I am ill, then how can it hurt me?”


Mark 5:34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

Week 28, Day 2: Jesus Heals the Little Girl:

Jesus died so I don’t have have to suffer the consequences of sin, and no longer have to be separated from God, and to live an eternity in Heaven with God, and Jesus.



Let Jesus love on you, and surrender that pain to Him so He can give you rest and healing.

“Well, why isn’t your illness like the others you had not been healed yet?”

If we read these pages from the bible we learn about what Jesus had to say about healing and what he did, and still continues to do today if we simply believe in faith that you are healed and call upon Jesus in his name to receive healing.

The Faith of the Centurion

5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help.
6 “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.”
7 Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?”
8 The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.
9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.
11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.
"And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee." Exodus 15:26:

Jesus Heals Many

14 When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever.

15 He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him.

16 When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.

17 This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.”

I realized there is a very good reason I have this sickness but in no way does it define me. It can’t steal my happiness. It can’t keep me from loving others. If anything I am more closer to God, and celebrating life more. God has a divine plan for my life, and so each day I cannot take it from granted. God has given me a gift of life and to help others, and I very much want to love others and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Life is a short journey. I don’t want to waste it on the worldly things. I have a strong desire to build treasures of the heart and store them in Heaven.

The greatest love of all is the sacrifice God gave in his only son Jesus so I can be born again. Born out of that sin that keep me from God, now I am given my breath back, giving me another chance. 

“Healing takes time. Sometimes it’s instant, and other times it takes time because God has his reasons. In the end of that journey with that pain, we learn why it was allowed to happen.” It doesn’t mean you are being punished. God doesn’t do that. He rather love on us, than stand to watch us suffer.” 

God never gives us what we can’t handle.

If life was perfect, how would we ever learn anything, and see all the loving riches God has provided us with?

So, I won’t close myself up in my room, and claim this illness as my identity. It’s not who I am. I am lovingly and faithfully, redeemed by Jesus Christ! I am free from illness. Whatever may come I will be content and know I am healed!

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Papa Francisco.....hoy he comprobado que  aún tienes reacciones humanas......yo tambien le daria un puñetazo ..... Me falta mucho para poner la otra mejilla.....y por eso pido a Dios......... ¡Ayúdame a subir hasta Tí!:

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

 Please don’t be afraid to share your heart, your experiences, your struggles, you are welcome here. There is no judgment. It’s all love, and support. It’s an open discussion. It’s a good way to meet new people, and friends. This is a community of believers and others welcome to get to know more about Jesus Christ. So, let’s open our hearts to welcome each-other and love one another.
